Why? To get deals before they are listed, friend just got a great deal
What I did up to this point
Got a PO Box right by my the office of my full time job
- $20 for 6/months and $2 for a key deposit
Contacted SorA office
- Got a sample report that would only have been $50 (wasn’t able to use it due to everything being in one cell)
- Paying $175 and hour for a file from county’s IT vendor (around $200)
- This is only one county so I will need to do the same
- Some properties have a trust mailing address so will not get the owners all the time
I creating my first mailing using VisaPrint
Need to do a review of the sites:
Lets you do standard postage (200+) for cheaper shipping but I didn't research
Example: Yellow cards with black writing - 100 postcards to 100 addresses for roughly 37 cents per piece (per the site)
I went with VisaPrint b/c I could order full color postcard and group them in small group as not to get pounded with lots of calls. Also, if you follow this link (http://www.vistaprint.com/frf?frf=924122510989) you will receive a special promotion and I'll get a discount on my next order for referring you.
Here is the verbiage:
Front: "Thinking of selling your multi-unit? I'm looking for one!"
"I'm a local investor that is in the market for another apartment building. Your property fits my investment criteria of what I'm looking for. If you have been considering selling please let me know. Or, if you just want to chat about investments that's fine also."
Back: "You are welcome to e-mail me:
Interested in building your portfolio? Let me know your criteria and I will let you know when I get a lead on a property that doesn't fit my strategy."
Split the mailing
After taking the list and breaking it down by removing the duplicates (people who own more than one property) I decided the list was two big. I have no idea how much interest this mailing will generate so I'm going to do two halves. Note, in my area there is actually more b/c I'm only doing one township.
Dirty Laundry:
Got a collection notice for not paying my sanitary bills for 2 of the properties and now I need to have my PM company follow-up.
Other Major Tasks:
Tool for tracking leads I hope SLOWLY come in
Check on who suggested what on getrealREI thread
Process for coming up with an offer price quickly
Thinking about Larry's ultimate buying machine program
Still thinking about being a Realtor
Will interview my agent
Que Review:
Investor in multi-unit deal (part owner of LLC)
Take on debt
Contribute 2.5% cash
Pitched update - 5-15% privet investor
(15% or interest free with part ownership of LLC)
Spent: $1800 in the appraisal
$1000 soil sample to meet EPA to prove I can build
Looked at a few other places but nothing worth sharing. Do you want me to share my bad deals and why I didn't continue with them?
The information contained on this show or the website is for informational purposes only.
In addition, this is not advice or a recommendation, just my opinions and experiences. You should contact an Agent, Layer, Accountant, or other independent advisor for personal advice or material to make any decision or take any action.