Overall I really like the phone. I still would like a week to give it my offical review but here are some quick day one notes:
- I have the typing down (I'm still faster on my pearl)
- Touch screen with click is nice
- Screen is wonderful and video podcasts look great
- Facebook reinstall fixed menu problem (I blame stupid appstore)
- Voice quality is good and my old Bluetooth headset connected quickly
- Easy to move icons around and customize it to your preferences
- Still haven't got the browser down (zoom when I want to click or click on the wrong thing)
- I miss the scroll ball
- Takes to long to reboot (if you install something)
- Flips to landscape to quick (Maybe I hold my BB to flat)
- Same with my last blackberry - I feel like the mute button should also be a Silent or vibrate button that switches to configurable profile (top left)
- I have answered the phone upside down when I'm using it in landscape mode (strange feeling)
Still need to figure out
- Google maps still doesn't use GPS (works with NAV4ALL and BB Maps)
- Need an app to easily upload video
Wish list
- e-mail/messages in conversation (like g-mail or IM messages)
- More app to work with new OS (bbPlaces and Qik don't work)
- An application store that works and is up to date (version looks to control it 9)