We went to the Great Wall at Mutianyu, which is about 90 minutes from Beijing. We had to get a driver for half the day to do it but it supposed to be a better part of the Wall.
The Great Wall is breath taking. It's like the Grand Canyon in that you almost think what is in the distance is fake. It's so hard to explain but you almost have to just see it.
Since the wall is so old nothing would meet regulations. No step are the same size and almost nothing is level, but it's amazingly solid.
The parts of the wall they let you walk on are actually sections that have been fixed since it was first erected. Here is the area once you go past what is new (using the term new lightly)
Mandy and Darren have some other great pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/DarrenjSeath/BeijingPowerWeekend
Actually had dinner at a TGIF's. I know, what I'm I doing there of all places. Well, it turns out that you can't get a good hamburger in China so you have to go to a western area. Unlike McD's and KFC's the TGIF's was actually like a TGIF's. Most of the food was the same and the people working (although Chinese) had the outfits and flare on. Overall it was a little strange but it did have English menus so you can't complain to much.
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