Monday, March 3, 2008

Work and Eat and Eat

This morning at breakfast I tried a waffle. It was really strange, a cross between a true waffle from Belgium and a Belgium waffle from the US. I watched them make it because it wasn't a batter, it was more like an extra big doughy biscuit that they put on a standard waffle maker. Side note, if anyone knows how to make waffles like they have in Belgium please let me know, they are great. So, way off tangent..

When I'm at work there isn't much to talk about but food. Today for lunch I went to this noodle place I love. Actually, I think this was the third time I have been there. Anyway, I ended up with some pepper noodle dish I sure wasn't expecting. So, that how you get good with chopsticks, order something that is so hot if you don't pick out the peppers your nose will run the rest of the day at work. You might think you would have time to fix a mistake like that but it's just plain crazy at lunch around here. There are tons of people and the places that are fast food are packed. The reason I bring this up is because the noodle place (sorry, the name is in Chinese) is a sit down restaurant and I wanted to get it to go. It's like playing guessgures every time I go out.

Dinner was a blast because we when out with a big group from work. I got to try all different types of things. My favorite was this sesame steak dish that was great but this shrimp/pineapple thing was a close second. The stranger things were different types of fish, some Veggie dishes, and some sushi type roles. I did stay away from the ell, whole baby fish, and some other thing I had no idea about. Guess today was the food day.

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